Hi, My name is Tom Lee, welcome to GuitarEuroShop.com. Let me tell you a bit about myself, and why I created this site.

I started playing guitar when I was 14 years old. The reason? Slash.
Guns n Roses was a major band during my youth, we were blasting their songs non-stop at house parties. As many teenagers do, my friends and I formed a band, where I was the guitar player. Wanting to play like Slash, and of course, impress my friends and the ladies, I started learning as much as I could about the guitar. Took lessons, bought books and hung out in music shops.
This love of the guitar has been with me all my life. I never wanted to become a professional musician, but still, the guitar has always been and will remain a part of my everyday life:
- I’ve played in several small bands through the years
- Taught guitar during my 20s to make beer money
- Worked in a guitar shop during college
Through the years, I have owned or played a countless number of guitars, amps and effects pedals.
Because of the experience I have gained in this field, people always seem to find me asking for guitar related advice.
I want to share my knowledge with as many people as I can, so I created GuitarEuroShop.com. In case you’re wondering about the site’s name: well, I’ve lived in several European countries, and this domain was free.
What can you read about on my site?
- Detailed, hands-on reviews of guitar gear and accessories
- Useful guitar lessons that have helped my students in the past
- Guitar related industry news
- Music reviews
I hope you will find my articles informative and fun to read. And if you feel like it, drop me a line.